Thank goodness I stayed up a little late last night to get Addy’s dress set ready to go on Ebay Thursday evening, or it might not have happened… If you want to see the listing on Ebay, you can click the picture of her at the right side bar or you can click HERE.
Look what my hubby came home with today… our hens are molting right now and we are only getting 2 or 3 eggs a day… so he was thinking maybe it was time to start a “new batch” of hens… They were trying to get rid of them at Rural King and only selling them for $1.00! He’s always ready to pick up a few more… the only trouble is, you can’t mix the new ones with the bigger hens, so keeping them separated until these get 3 or 4 months old is the problem… but he’ll get it figured out… He got 6 Golden Comets, 2 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Sapphire Gems and 2 Amberlinks. At least he “thinks” that’s what he got… they had put them all in one big tub and they weren’t sure… he might know in a few weeks…
We’ve got them set up in the brooder box, with a heat lamp, in the sitting room…
Here is a short video of them…
…sorry, one more short video… I love watching new baby chicks run around in the brooder box.
Barbara, I wasn’t thinking when I first posted this and hope it doesn’t cause you pain. I’m so sorry to hear about Chelsey… Please forgive me if this was in poor taste to use this today…
Reuben has a vet appointment tomorrow, so we had to give him a hair cut. I wish you could have seen us… It’s like trying to wrestle a mountain lion… he HATES HATES HATES to get his hair cut… we have to put a muzzle on him because he hates it so much… he growls and snarls and snaps at us… it’s the only time he gets angry… he doesn’t like his legs being touched and the hair grows so long on his feet, he looks like a Clydesdale horse! (Only Reuben’s get all matted and curly!)
My hubby uses a pair of clippers on him, and then it’s my turn with the scissors to get his feet and face. Trying to work with a pair of scissors and clip around his feet gives him quite the choppy look, but at least they are trimmed…
My pictures aren’t the best because it was dark in the living room when I took these.
Well, I have my “chicks” and my hubby has his… :o)
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne