HI everyone,
I am so sorry to let you know, but Charlotte’s husband, Ron, passed away Saturday afternoon. Charlotte might not be the first one writing her comments for a while, but I told her we’d hold her seat on the Sofa! Please keep her in your prayers and thoughts…
On another note, I received the sweetest email from Francine… she bought the pink and brown apron panel I had recently listed on Ebay. She said she probably hadn’t sewn anything in 30 years, but she jumped right in, even lined it and WOW… it looks wonderful! She’s a Special Education Middle School Teacher in Chicago and I told her she got an A+++ from me. When she finished it, she gave it to her daughter who loves it! Isn’t it adorable?
I hope Karen and little Dominic are doing well… also the rest of the family.
Okay… I tried my best to get Rebecca’s dress set finished… I really just had to figure out the headband… I decided to do that instead of a bonnet…AND I used 2 ladies from the blog as Rebecca’s school mates… Susette and Marilyn! I hope they don’t mind… and I hope they don’t mind that I said they came from “wealthy” families… I just wanted to honor Marilyn for thinking of the name of this dress… “Summer Lace” even though she might not have known I was going to use it… And I used Susette because it sounded like a “pretty” yesteryear name. I had actually written down Marilyn’s name first, but I wanted there to be 2 girls at the Tea Party, so I wrote down Susanna… I thought that sounded Civil War-ish like. But then I thought, why not just use Susette… I hope you ladies didn’t mind.
Anyway, we had a beautiful Sunday afternoon here in Southern Illinois, so Rebecca and I traveled outside for some quick pictures. It was actually quite hot… over 90 degrees but the humidity was lower so I could survive a little longer outside. I think I captured the color of the blue fabric pretty well and got some fun shots of Rebecca too. I’ll show a few pictures of her and then give you the link to the listing on Ebay… You can also click on the picture at the right side bar and it will take you to the listing.
I was actually going to show this dress on Addy as well… I got my pictures taken, cropped and edited them, made my listing, and was uploading all the information to Ebay when it asked… What doll is this for? I gasped…for about 5 seconds I thought and then did what any good momma would do… I let Addy have her name in the title on Ebay, but Rebecca gets all the credit for being the model and looking so sweet in the pictures. Sorry about that!
Here is the link to the listing on Ebay…
I will see everyone tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne